Revisiting the Suin Line: Television Chronicles of a Bygone Railway

The Suin Line (수인선, 水仁線) was a 52 km narrow-gauge railway connecting Suwon and Incheon in South Korea. Opened on August 5, 1937, by the Chōsen Gyeongdong Railway, it primarily transported salt from the Sorae area. In 1942, the Chōsen Railway acquired the line, and following Korea’s liberation in 1945, it was nationalized under the […]

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Wat verdiende een arbeider bij de stoomtram naar Huisduinen?

Rond 1900 speelde het onderwerp “arbeidsomstandigheden” een belangrijke rol in de toenmalige politiek. Dat had vooral te maken met de opkomst van sociaaldemocratische partijen in West-Europa, die vaak gelieerd waren aan allerlei vakbonden, vaak georganiseerd per sector. De grote spoorwegstaking van 1903 leidde tot aandacht voor de arbeidsomstandigheden bij het spoor. Dit leidde tot de […]

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Het veranderende tramstation van Huisduinen

Tussen 1896 en 1917 reed van Den Helder naar Huisduinen de tram. De tram werd gedurende twee perioden geëxploiteerd door twee verschillende trammaatschappijen. Het eerste trambedrijf, van Jan Pot, bestond van 1896 tot 1907, het tweede bedrijf, een samenwerking van inwoners van Den Helder, van 1910 tot 1917. Gedurende de twee decennia dat de tram […]

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Series of alcohol tax revenue stamps sample pages show up on Kobay

In recent months a seller on Kobay has been selling individual pages with sample revenue stamps on them. The pages seem to be a 1960s/1970s set of samples which were sent to relevant authorities to be able to check which stamps were needed for which product. But who knows more about these stamps? Or has […]

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Revenue stamps of Iran 3rd Edition

Several well-known members of the revenue/fiscal stamp community pointed out that a new edition of the “Revenue Stamps of Iran” catalog had been published. This edition, the third, is larger than ever, with “742 full color pages with pictures of every stamp and many new rare documents”. The two volumes show many different types of […]

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Revenue stamped document: Masan middle school graduation certificate

From the collection of Joe Ross, well-known amongst revenue stamp collectors as someone with one of the largest revenue stamp collections in the world and author of several revenue stamp catalogues, comes this revenue stamped document from the city of Masan (마산), now part of Changwon (창원시). Unlike with postal documents, revenue documents are usually […]

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Polish exile government stamps in Stamp Collector

In the September 2019 edition of “Stamp Collector” an article was published on the Polish government-in-exile stamps. The article titled “Poland’s exile issues” tells the story behind both the official exile stamps, produced by the London exile government, and the stamps as produced within wartime Poland for the underground mail.

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