Certified Cadastral Document (1976)

National: 수입인지

Cadastral documents were produced in large numbers in Korea. Certifications of these documents, named 토지대장등본, were paid for with both national government of Korea revenue stamps and local revenue stamps. This is an example certified by 강화군 (Ganghwa-gun), a local body, but paid for with national revenue stamps. The document cost a total of 40 won, paid for with four 10 won stamps.

The document comes with a dateless cancellation, but directly underneath the stamps there is a handwritten date (in hanja): 19七六.弍.参. This equals to 1976.2.3 or 3 February 1976.


This document was bought on Kobay and came together with the same type of document but paid for with a local revenue stamp from 경기도. The strange thing about both the national revenue stamps on this document and the local revenue stamp from 경기도 is that 강화군 also produced local stamps! Why those were not used in both cases is not known to me.

(Names have for privacy reasons been digitally deleted.)


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