Polish exile government stamps in Stamp Collector

In the September 2019 edition of “Stamp Collector” an article was published on the Polish government-in-exile stamps. The article titled “Poland’s exile issues” tells the story behind both the official exile stamps, produced by the London exile government, and the stamps as produced within wartime Poland for the underground mail.

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Annotated Non-Postal Stamp Catalogue of Andryvs Jūrdžs Foundation

Published in 2017 by the Andryvs Jūrdžs Foundation in Latvian (Latgalian) the “Annotated Non-Postal Stamp Catalogue of Andryvs Jūrdžs Foundation” by Zigurds Sviķis shows the non-postal stamps (also known as “cinderellas“) published by Latvians in exile between 1962 and 1992.

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How the Moluccans could have been part of the Korean War

These days the Korean alphabet is being exported abroad as a possible letterset for nations without their own set of characters. If that initiative is going to make it or not has to be seen, but the only minor success so far has been amongst a group in Indonesian, the Cia-Cia on the island of […]

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Ukrainian Camp and Exile issues catalog

After having bought quite a few specialist catalogs I recently received another compliment to my every growing selection of exile stamp catalogus: the “Ukrainia DP Camp, POW Camp, Government in Exile and National Council Issues” (second edition) catalog of stamps of, well, the title says it all. And let me start by saying that this […]

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Latvian non-postal exile stamps by Zichmanis

Few exile stamps catalogs must have such an honest name as this one: Latvian non-postal exile stamps is exactly what it shows. The Romanian and especially the Croatian exile communities tried to establish some sort of legality by producing stamps which were supposed to be somehow official. The stamps shown in this catalog are propaganda […]

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Exile governments, stamps and catalogs

Ever since governments were ousted governments refused to accept such situations and decided to entertain their own court abroad, hoping for a day when, either by their machinations or by some remarkable change of fortune, they could become the accepted government of their former territory. The only serious exile government at this time seems to […]

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