Revisiting the Suin Line: Television Chronicles of a Bygone Railway

The Suin Line (수인선, 水仁線) was a 52 km narrow-gauge railway connecting Suwon and Incheon in South Korea. Opened on August 5, 1937, by the Chōsen Gyeongdong Railway, it primarily transported salt from the Sorae area. In 1942, the Chōsen Railway acquired the line, and following Korea’s liberation in 1945, it was nationalized under the […]

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Wat verdiende een arbeider bij de stoomtram naar Huisduinen?

Rond 1900 speelde het onderwerp “arbeidsomstandigheden” een belangrijke rol in de toenmalige politiek. Dat had vooral te maken met de opkomst van sociaaldemocratische partijen in West-Europa, die vaak gelieerd waren aan allerlei vakbonden, vaak georganiseerd per sector. De grote spoorwegstaking van 1903 leidde tot aandacht voor de arbeidsomstandigheden bij het spoor. Dit leidde tot de […]

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Het veranderende tramstation van Huisduinen

Tussen 1896 en 1917 reed van Den Helder naar Huisduinen de tram. De tram werd gedurende twee perioden geëxploiteerd door twee verschillende trammaatschappijen. Het eerste trambedrijf, van Jan Pot, bestond van 1896 tot 1907, het tweede bedrijf, een samenwerking van inwoners van Den Helder, van 1910 tot 1917. Gedurende de twee decennia dat de tram […]

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The Suwon – Inchon narrow gauge line: The line within Suwon city

The shortest stretch of the SuIn line was inside Suwon city. This ran from the Suwon railway station to the south, after which it would run up a ramp to cross both a main street and the main (standard gauge) railway line. The only remaining part of this part of the line, the part on […]

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The Suwon – Inchon narrow gauge line: Gojan Station (– Gongdan/Choji Station – Ansan Station) – Oido Station

The original Suwon to Inchon line (수인선 협궤열차) ran all the way from Inchon harbour to Suwon (수원) station, but by the end of the existence of the line this was no longer the case. But like other parts of the line which were still there long after the railway had been closed the part […]

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The Suwon – Inchon narrow gauge line: Using topographical maps to discover strange things

After a visit to the Korean topographical services in Suwon I ended up with a lot of maps (both 1:25.000 and 1:50.000) of the whole length of the Suwon to Inchon narrow gauge railway. The office had created 3 map sets for me: 1975, 1987 and 1996, or effectively the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Besides […]

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The Suwon – Inchon narrow gauge line: Suwon to Ansan (Part 2: Omokcheon to Ansan Outskirts)

The line from Suwon to Omokcheon is mainly through build-up area, but after Omokcheon the country really opens up. The dominating feature here is the KTX viaduct built to allow the high speed railway run without interruption from Seoul to Busan. This area is now relatively busy, there are now quite a few people living […]

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The Suwon – Inchon narrow gauge line: Suwon to Ansan (Part 1: Suwon to Omokcheon)

A walk on the former narrow gauge line (“수인선”) from Suwon (수원) to Ansan (안산) (in parts). This line was last used on the last day of 1995, but most of the track can still be seen in the country side. However, part of the line is now used to build the new subway line from Suwon […]

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The Suwon – Inchon narrow gauge line: walking from the (future) Sari Station to Gojan Station

A major part of the narrow gauge line from Suwon to Inchon ran through Ansan and surrounding area. This area was until 25 years ago country side: none of the buildings in these pictures existed at the time! Even by the end of the existence of the line, in 1995, most of this area was […]

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