Korean consular revenue stamps: IEF won series

Consular 영수필증

This listing is an addendum to the article “Consular Revenue Stamps of the Republic of Korea” in The American Revenuer, Third Quarter 2017 (Vol. 70, No. 3). For the full article contact the American Revenue Association through their website: http://www.revenuer.org/

IEF won values


Many documents on which consular tax stamps are applied contain another type of stamp, namely stamps on behalf of the “국제 교류 기여금 납입 필증”, in translation “International Exchange Fund contribution payment stamp” or IEF. These stamps are a contribution to a fund the South Korean government has set up to support Korean “exchange students” and to make possible the exchange of international culture.

The same seals were used on passport applications in South Korea (by South Koreans) in addition to the tax stamps in the series CR50-CR61. These stamps therefore occurred in both won and dollar values, just like the consular stamps themselves. Both the won and dollar value stamps are no longer in use, the IEF costs (when applicable depending on type of document and situation of application) are paid for in the same way as the application costs themselves.

Nr.ValueBackground colour
IEF01600light purple
IEF021500dark green
IEF05a5000light brown/orange
IEF05b5000dark brown
IEF067500dark pink
IEF07a12000red/dark pink
IEF08b15000green (alternative)

Only a few won values are known. Unfortunately, most known values were seen in photos on Korean blogs, which are useless for print. The values shown here are from the website of a Korean (stamp) collector. Note that the IEF08 is of a significantly higher quality than the other stamps. Besides this design with two flowers a light green variety with one flower is known with a value of 15.000 won which has a design identical to the dollar series IEF16-IEF18. Nothing more is known about that particular stamp.


Some examples from Korean language websites below:

IEF05c next to a CR55:

(Source: http://onldo.tistory.com/entry/일본자전거여행-여권만들기; originally posted in 2011)

IEF07b next to 2 CR58. This is a strange combination, as passports etc. didn’t cost 66.000 won.

(Source: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=ohj7137&logNo=90171437773; posted 2013)

IEF08b next to a CR57 on a Korean passport page:

(Source: http://blog.daum.net/junngolf/17043536; posted in 2011 but seems to be from older passport, the year 1994 is on pages in other photos)

IEF08 next to CR57 on form:

IEF05b next to CR54. Notice how the value of the IEF stamp is 50% of the consular revenue stamp in both these photos.

(Source: both from http://zukistyle.tistory.com/2; published 2005 but writing about 2003)


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